vrijdag 31 juli 2015


Sweat lodges used by Native American tribes were meant for spiritual renewal and purification, the same purpose that is en vogue in modern-day spiritual circles. But American tribes used sweat lodges also to ask for guidance and success in their hunting trip.

Hunters of the Susquehannock tribes at the American east coast dreamt up the prey animal that they would find next day. The prey animal, in turn, could experience its fate in advance, surrender to it and calmly await the hunters’ arrival.

For the hunters it was not about an alienated, random killing of animals. For them it was a careful selection of one animal, and go for it in a respectful, even divine way. They felt it was a divine experience for the animal as well.

Personal communication, Dancing Thunder, Susquehannock Chief

donderdag 30 juli 2015


Peter van der Werff: DUTCH CULTURE: TRIBAL ORIGINS: Because the coastal provinces of the Netherlands partly escaped from agrarian hierarchies, they could preserve the tribal features that are...


Peter van der Werff: MORE EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS: This week’s storm in the Netherlands was the most extreme summer storm we have had since measuring of storms started a century ago. But it ...

woensdag 29 juli 2015


This week’s storm in the Netherlands was the most extreme summer storm we have had since measuring of storms started a century ago. But it is just a prelude of what we can expect in the future if it comes to the growing magnitude and frequency of extreme weather events created by global warming.

Local and national governments do well to not only start a serious reduction of climate gas emissions but also have scenarios ready to physically, organizationally and financially deal with the effects of more and more intense storms, rainfall, hailstorms, cold waves and heat waves.


Because the coastal provinces of the Netherlands partly escaped from agrarian hierarchies, they could preserve the tribal features that are now called enlightened anarcho-socialist by some. But this world famous culture did not arise in the low-lying polders asking for collective defense works against flood risk.

Surely, this culture relates to water but is millennia older than polders. Polders are the result of a city culture that, in turn, derives from the culture of tribal groups canoeing around in the creeks and rivers here. They started to settle at dunes consisting of sand and pebbles transported from the mountains and deposited in the lowlands by those rivers.In their tiny dune villages, the tribal groups adjusted their typical culture of deliberation and cooperation to the new circumstances and some of them managed to survive by fishing in the water bodies and gathering and hunting at the seasonally drier lands. 

Gradually villages and towns developed on the higher sand dunes, while the marshlands were left uninhabited.In later stages, agrarian societies developed in mainland Europe, with kings and emperors fighting wars with each other and subduing societies at the outskirts of their domains, including the present-day coastal provinces in the Netherlands. But their heavy armies, trained to battle on dry lands, found it hard to enter the wetlands. They either left the area to itself or met with losses and defeat if they tried to subdue the tribal communities here.

Meanwhile, the tribals interacted with the agrarian societies for trade and transport and acquired parts of those cultures that they found useful, while preserving key tribal traits. Their villages developed into towns thriving on maritime and river transport which, in turn, reinforce their skills to defend themselves in military ways. The burgers of those towns also built the financial, technological and organizational capacities to turn the surrounding marshes and lakes into polders and start cultivating and inhabiting the new, fertile lands.

Unlike the European kingdoms and empires where hierarchy and intolerance was growing, in the towns of the Dutch coastal provinces tolerance, deliberation, cooperation, equality, freedom and independence were preserved. The group portraits of city guards and male and female regents of the seventeenth century, the Night Watch as the most famous one, tell the story of the relatively large equality and independence in the towns.

The uniqueness of Holland is that the original tribal culture could be preserved and adjusted to later needs without much of the penetrating hierarchical structure and culture that elsewhere crushed the tribal culture of equality, deliberation and cooperation.

Reconstruction of ancient settler homes on a river dune

woensdag 15 juli 2015


Ten reasons to oppose the IMF
  1. The IMF has created an immoral system of modern day colonialism that SAPs the poor
  2. The IMF serves wealthy countries and Wall Street
  3. The IMF is imposing a fundamentally flawed development model
  4. The IMF is a secretive institution with no accountability
  5. IMF policies promote corporate welfare
  6. The IMF hurts workers
  7. The IMF's policies hurt women the most
  8. IMF policies hurt the environment
  9. The IMF bails out rich bankers, creating a moral hazard and greater instability in the global economy
  10. IMF bailouts deepen, rather than solve, economic crisis



The real Greek crisis took place years ago. Large parts of the money borrowed went to the pockets of the powerful in Greece.

It's those people that should repay, but they belong to the same financial network and subculture as the Troika, Merkel and Dijsselbloem, and are largely left untouched. They jointly let the common Greek citizen bleed and the common European citizen pay taxes to compensate for the lack of loan repayments.

In Greece, privatization takes over, to the benefit of the very same financial network that created the crisis in the first place.

Even a leftist government in Greece is helpless when facing this international financial network. 

vrijdag 10 juli 2015


The more we abhor Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Saddam Hussein, Benjamin Netanyahu or George W. Bush, the less we see the social systems that produce such mass murderers.

The  more we adore Mahatma Gandhi, Robert Schuman, Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela or Salvador Allende, the less we see the social systems that produce such inspiring leaders.

Each person exists and behaves as result of a social system and the social forces at work in that social system. Yet, we often find it easier to discern the actions of a person than a actions of a social system.

It’s like seeing an aircraft flying over and saying that aircrafts turn bauxite into aluminum, make computer navigation systems, build airports and book passengers.

woensdag 8 juli 2015


Physicists show increasingly that the universe is how we experience it: reality is subjective.

Now, in the beginning of our lives, in the so-called preverbal stage, it is not our conscious but our subconscious that experiences the universe. And in that early period we see ourselves as the center of universe. We experience reality in a subjective way. So, babies and physicists agree, to some extent.

As we grow up we become more conscious and learn to overcome our subjectivity. What is more, we learn that subconsciously shaped self-centeredness and subjectivity are virtually prohibited.

Then, by profound self-inquiry, our conscious can rediscover those hidden subconscious dynamics. Our self-centeredness and subjectivity may grow again, hopefully more in balance with awareness of outer realities. In itself, this searching for balance between inner and outer realities is a challenging journey. That search can be called the road to enlightenment.

For physicists traveling that road is extra difficult. Through their own scientific research they are becoming aware that subjective perception is valid. This obliges them to not only look at particles, stars and mathematical equations, but also into themselves, their core instrument of observation and measurement.

They come to struggle with the distinction between validity and prohibition. Their research tells them that subjectivity is scientifically valid but their feeling tells about another type of subjectivity, the one that is a prohibited remnant of infancy. The solution may be to distinguish between self-centered subjectivity and conscious subjectivity.

maandag 6 juli 2015


While the politicians let the bankers and other big crooks divide the money that one day the mass of citizens would be going to pay in the form of taxes, these politicians now dance the election dance by trying to conceal the scandalously huge but irreversible scam to please the same mass of citizens that are also their voters.

The politicians and allied crooks now try to limit their getting exposed by speaking of the 'Greek crisis'.

donderdag 2 juli 2015


Bigger conmen than the Greeks are the large banks, governments and international organizations in the Eurozone. The banks wanted Greece to join them in 2001 in order to sell them more and more loans and the governments collaborated.
They all knew that full repayment was unlikely but they also knew that the governments would not let them collapse and that taxpayers would pay the price of the dubious investments.

Courtesy: Wolter Buikema

Members of the Troika, consisting of European Commission (EC), European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)

woensdag 1 juli 2015


Our behaviors are for nearly hundred percent shaped by our subconscious.

Similarities of observable behaviors in a community result from similarities in the subconscious.

Subconscious similarities in a community result from similarities in the subconscious influencing of fetuses, babies and infants.

Similarities in subconscious influencing of fetuses, babies and infants result from a certain kinship system.

A certain kinship system resulted historically from ecological conditions.

Even when a certain kinship system is ecologically outdated it continues because its subconscious patterns change only very slowly.

Anthropologists find it hard to acknowledge the subconscious shaping of behaviors because they fear painful subconscious memories in themselves.