Before we let our primary
emotions take over and rule the world, because we in the West fear that Muslims
take over and rule the world, we may calm down and have a look at facts.
So far one Dutch person
died through a Muslim terrorist, one through a Dutch terrorist, eight through
Moluccan terrorist actions, 193 through a Russian/ Ukraine Buk missile, large
numbers through German Nazi terror in 1940-1945.
Not to diminish violence
committed by Muslims, but for a balanced opinion it may be wise to also see where
Muslims are the victims. Wikipedia enlists 37 countries where violence against Muslims
took place, varying from individual harassment to the murder of millions, such
as in the USSR.
And let us not forget the
contributions of western powers. With support of France, UK and USA, Israelis
have killed about 100,000 Palestinian Muslims. Because of the deliberate divide-and-rule
policy of Colonial Britain in the late 1940s, about a million Muslims and Hindus
died in the violence that followed. The Dutch were co-responsible for the death
of 8,000 Muslim men in Bosnia in 1995.
Perhaps Muslims have more
reason to fear the West then the West have reason to fear Muslims.
Bosnian burial
Iraqi girl seeing her parents killed by American soldiers