At the day loud headlines and breaking news report that terrorists perhaps killed 10 people in Germany, 10 people in Germany died in the traffic and 1,000 from diseases.
Where are the headlines that daily report on those one hundred times more often occurring tragedies, every day, all year round?
Where are the headlines to daily warn us for fear and chaos that terrorists are eager to spread while cheering the disproportionately large media coverage that generate more fear and chaos?
Where are the headlines to daily warn us for the politicians and secret services eager to exploit our emotions in order to further reinforce their control over us?
Where are the headlines that daily warn us for oil companies in areas those governments conquer in their artificially created wars?
Where are the headlines that daily warn us for the corporations selling aircraft, shotguns, listening devices and other equipment to governments that they bribe into warfare in the name of fighting terrorism?
Where are the headlines to daily help us keep perspective, see proportions and hold balanced opinions?