woensdag 3 december 2014


It is scientific to say that without knowledge of scientific proof we cannot have an opinion, including about astrology. But a scientist would appreciate curious colleagues who take astrology as an object of study, just like chemists study molecules, economists study capitalism or physicists study gravity.

There is an endless number of hypotheses to be derived from the astrology books, tested and statistically analyzed. But even if a hundred hypotheses are rejected we can still not say that astrology has no validity because a much larger of number of hypotheses could be confirmed. On the other hand, even if a hundred hypotheses are confirmed we can still not say that astrology has validity because a much larger of number of hypotheses could be rejected.

The curious scientist may not only appreciate the testing of statistical relations between stellar constellations and human behaviors, but also value the physical research that increasingly confirms energy relations of different frequencies that occur at many levels, from the molecule to the universe, and may produce cause-and-effect relationships between the behaviors of stars and humans.

And the curious scientist, aware of what physicists have realized for long already, knows that cause-and-effect cannot explain everything that happens but that synchronicity sometimes replaces causal relations. For instance, in 1964 the scientist J.S. Bell, working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland, has found that the supposedly separate parts of the universe are in fact connected in an intimate and immediate way. It provides repeatedly tested proof that cause-and-effect thinking cannot explain everything.

The shocking news is that science has shown its own limitations. And even after half a century this conclusion is far from being understood in its consequences. The word synchronicity is the proper term to be applied here. The same word synchronicity may apply to what astrologers study.


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