maandag 16 februari 2015


Don’t think European modernity is a single purpose project.

Early modernity, on the one hand, advocated equality among citizens. But on the other hand, early modernity generated colonial empires of massive proportions. As the English writer George Orwell summarized it: ‘All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.’

Modernity, on the one hand, believes in free will and collective action to change the world, such as by capitalism, Nazism, socialism, feminism and environmentalism. But on the other hand, modernity generates the scientific cause-and-effect research that shows how our behavior is shaped by genes and the subconscious, which renders free will into an illusion.

Late modernity, on the one hand, believes in intention, responsibility and deliberate life management at the individual level. But on the other hand, late modernity advocates calming down of the rat race and spiritual consciousness of big bang determination and universal unity.

Equality in Amsterdam, 17th century

European colonialism

Statue of Liberty, New York

Stringes of genes

Wall Street Stock Exchange

Meditation, away from the rat race

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