vrijdag 29 januari 2016

Chayanov or Lenin: Kulakization of humanity and overexploitation of the planet

Worries about rampant economic greed and growth are not all that new. During the 1910s, Russia witnessed a fundamental debate on this issue, with Alexander Chayanov and Vladimir Lenin as the main protagonists.

Chayanov claimed that farmers would remain satisfied with a limited level of prosperity and not go on working for more. Lenin claimed that farmers would not remain satisfied with a limited level of prosperity and would go on working for more.

Lenin saw such farmers, Kulaks, as catalysts of capitalism which made him eventually start the communist revolution. But while communism has failed for know reasons, kulakization goes on degrading the planet, who knows until the end of humanity.

In that way, Vladimir Lenin was perhaps more right than Alexander Chayanov.

Chayanov, 1888-1937

Lenin 1870-1924

Deforestation in Latin America 

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