zaterdag 23 april 2016

Made to believe in the Netherlands

In my country we are made to believe that elections can change politics.

We are made to believe that in spring we can put off winterclothes even when temperatures are near zero.

We are made to believe that mathematics is more difficult than football.

We are made to believe that banks are safe.

We are made to believe we should wait for the red light even in the absence of crossing traffic.

We are made to believe that the first Zionists hardly found any Palestinians.

We are made to believe that it is fairly warm even if the wind cools us down.

We are made to believe that school teachers have to measure achievements.

We are also made to believe that we should empty our dinner plate.

We are made to believe that we should drink ¾ litre of milk a day.

And we are made to believe that men and women are similar.

Some of those misconceptions are busy leaving the country now, though not all of them, to be certain.

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