zaterdag 15 oktober 2016

The call for strong leaders and looking behind screens: child rearing shapes politics

As long as parents and teachers install more structure, obedience and fear in children than required, instead of encouraging independent thinking and curiosity, the world will be populated by fearful followers.

Or the future adults will reverse the learned obedience and copy their bossy parents and teachers to, in turn, become restrictive bosses. The risky call for strong leaders and the shouts of would-be leaders will echo around at the globe.

But less noticable is the effect of discouraging independent thinking and curiosity in children that makes them reluctant to look behind the screens and under the surface. They will not see that successions of dictators or democratic elections do not change the power system.

Presidents of Egypt, Russia and Pakistan are rarely better than their predecessors. The Clintons and Donald Trump belong to the same elite who enrich themselves at the cost of the common citizens who mostly remain silent while obediently go on voting for one or the other member of the elite.

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