dinsdag 18 oktober 2016

A true democracy has no government. It is government

To put it radically, a true democracy has no place for politicians. People rule the country. 

Anything that brings this closer to reality, I welcome.

A true democracy structurally undermines leadership and generates management tools and knowledge needed to arrive at best compromise decisions, to be enacted by employees.

A true democracy structurally generates broad and free sources of information, and human capacities to aquire information and turns knowledge into compromise decisions.

What we want comes closer if we formulate it clearly.

zondag 16 oktober 2016

How to explain and redress the matreatment of women?

If a society wants to reduce the maltreatment of women by men, it may look at how its child rearing turns the sons into cocky machos, male chauvinists, frontier cowboys, eternal Casanovas or habitual rapists.

This approach does not blame, it explains. It does not see mothers or fathers as causes, it sees kinship systems as causes. In that way it can be tremendously helpful. But it is not for sissies.

This does not mean anyone is to be blamed. It means we may look for an explanation. It does not mean to see women as the cause, it means to see kinship systems as the cause. In that way it is tremendously helpful. But it is not for sissies.

If mothers, in the emotional or physical absence of their husbands, have unhappy marriages, they may direct their love and admiration to their newborn sons. The baby boy may feel like a god who enjoys all admiration and servitude from women and takes it for granted.

But he may also feel unshielded against the overwhelming presence of his mother and builds up fear about her and other women. That fear can turn into rage against her and other women in later years. There you have the wide-scale maltreatment of women.

Once married, the man may try to stay away from an intimate relationship with his wife, and the causational cycle starts again.

Many societies show such a pattern, be with variations. Think of the matrifocal family in the Caribbean, soldiers or fishermen and their left alone families or widows, and the proverbial American cowboy leaving the woman he rescued for a horse ride to next adventure. Or consider symbols such as the both loving and murderous goddess Kali in India and the Madonna-whore complex in southern Europe.

So what to do? Zee that maltreating men live in fear. Disrespecting men cannot respect themselves, cannot love themselves. See and feel the kinship system as the repeating source of their fear or lack of self-respect and self-love. Improve their upbringing by breaking the vicious cycle. It’s up to the fathers and the mothers to change the future.

zaterdag 15 oktober 2016

The call for strong leaders and looking behind screens: child rearing shapes politics

As long as parents and teachers install more structure, obedience and fear in children than required, instead of encouraging independent thinking and curiosity, the world will be populated by fearful followers.

Or the future adults will reverse the learned obedience and copy their bossy parents and teachers to, in turn, become restrictive bosses. The risky call for strong leaders and the shouts of would-be leaders will echo around at the globe.

But less noticable is the effect of discouraging independent thinking and curiosity in children that makes them reluctant to look behind the screens and under the surface. They will not see that successions of dictators or democratic elections do not change the power system.

Presidents of Egypt, Russia and Pakistan are rarely better than their predecessors. The Clintons and Donald Trump belong to the same elite who enrich themselves at the cost of the common citizens who mostly remain silent while obediently go on voting for one or the other member of the elite.

maandag 10 oktober 2016

Trump a blessing, Clinton a curse

The emergence of Donald Trump is a blessing, because he is busy ruining the Republican Party and bringing the poverty, discontent and fear among masses of people to the fore.

The emergence of Hillary Clinton is a curse, because she looks good compared to Trump while she herself and many democrats are part of the power system that creates the poverty, discontent and fear among masses of people as revealed by Trump.

dinsdag 4 oktober 2016

Olive oil, stomachs and Black Pete

When the Dutch went on holidays in southern Europe for the first time, in the 1950s and 1960s, many complained about the food prepared with olive oil. They really got stomach problems.

Nowadays we don’t hear of this massive complaint anymore. In fact, olive oil is used in many kitchens and sold in every common supermarket in the Netherlands.

Did the Dutch stomachs adjust to olive oil or did the Dutch lose their fear for something new and are their stomachs no longer affected by that fear?

The Dutch resistance against letting go of Pete’s blackness sometimes reminds me of the Dutch reaction against olive oil and the later incorporation of it.

maandag 3 oktober 2016

Black Pete in the wide world

We Dutch have a lot of racism. A number of studies are showing this.

However, in that sense we are not an exception. The surprise is that Dutch racism runs counter with our name of aiming at equality, freedom, tolerance and democracy. This idea seems to be false.

Equality, freedom, tolerance and democracy are reserved for the original Dutch population. If newcomers do not assimilate into that Dutch culture they run the risk of getting socially excluded or seen as inferior. This is the paradox of Dutch culture.

In contrast to tendencies of exclusion and stigmatization, official policies were to ignore cultural differences and hope for foreigners to smoothly assimilate into the Dutch culture. But this assimilation did not work out fast and smooth and with the population becoming vocal, racism exposed itself more publicly.

Along with this change in Holland, there is a worldwide reaction against global integration, disregarding its material and immaterial benefits. The explanation may be that the reassuring sense of national identity gets undermined. Moreover, international affairs grow both beyond our understanding and beyond the control of national governments.

This creates all over the planet a rising fear. It is this fear that spurs nationalism and racism that, in Holland, disregard the culture of equality, freedom, tolerance and democracy.

And, in the next step, it spurs reactions against nationalism and racism. That is why radical social currents in favor and against the blackness of Black Pete are fiercely battling now.

Black Pete in the wide world

We Dutch have a lot of racism. A number of studies are showing this.
However, in that sense we are not an exception. The surprise is that Dutch racism runs counter with our name of aiming at equality, freedom, tolerance and democracy. This idea seems to be false.
Equality, freedom, tolerance and democracy are reserved for the original Dutch population. If newcomers do not assimilate into that Dutch culture they run the risk of getting socially excluded or seen as inferior. This is the paradox of Dutch culture.
In contrast to tendencies of exclusion and stigmatization, official policies were to ignore cultural differences and hope for foreigners to smoothly assimilate into the Dutch culture. But this assimilation did not work out fast and smooth and with the population becoming vocal, racism exposed itself more publicly.
Along with this change in Holland, there is a worldwide reaction against global integration, disregarding its material and immaterial benefits. The explanation may be that the reassuring sense of national identity gets undermined. Moreover, international affairs grow both beyond our understanding and beyond the control of national governments.
This creates all over the planet a rising fear. It is this fear that spurs nationalism and racism that, in Holland, disregard the culture of equality, freedom, tolerance and democracy.

And, in the next step, it spurs reactions against nationalism and racism. That is why radical social currents in favor and against the blackness of Black Pete are fiercely battling now.