zaterdag 24 januari 2015


In order to find peace, clarity or happiness, some of us focus on spiritual entities such as the universe, souls, angels, spirits or former lives. A second route is to focus on digesting earlier experienced trauma in this earthly life. Another way is to try and maximize comfort and pleasure in the present. Yet another route is to work hard, take responsibilities and go for status or influence.

All routes have their merits but can also function as ways to escape from the other routes and keep us unhappy. To the extent that hidden fear guides our choice, we preserve that fear by letting it decide on our choice of routes, and the route thus chosen will not lead us to sustained peace, clarity or happiness.

The art is to know the benefits and costs of all routes, chose consciously between routes and remain ready to switch routes whenever that seems beneficial. The second art is to move on with love and care for ourselves, while we develop the skills of nuanced map reading and walking.

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