vrijdag 25 december 2015

Now, then and the pain

Belief in reincarnation, seeking for a purpose in life, formulating and pursuing an intention, working with family constellations or identifying childhood damages as causes of present behavior belong to the historical dimension and take away our attention for the here-and-now. If we strictly apply the here-and-now approach we have to give up such techniques. Although this may be quite scary and difficult to handle, it can result in experiencing the inner void that leads to enlightenment.

Moreover, we cannot change the past and self-victimization or the blaiming of parents work out negatively. We better focus on techniques that help dissolving emotions or tensions, of whatever origin, in the present.

On the other hand, if the here-and-now approach rejects historical cause-and-effect relations that are scientifically, emotionally or spiritually to be experienced or known, such rejection can lead to superficially focusing on symptoms and ignoring deeper lying causes. Causes do not always vanish by treatment of the symptoms. Morever, for some types of intelligence it works benificially to understand cause-and-effect. Thinking is not only a diversion from feeling but can speed up integrated growth.

Finally, the here-and-now approach bears the risk, though not necessarily intended by it, of derailed 
neglecting practical affairs in the wider world and the near or further future.

Avoidance of both the here-and-now approach and the cause-and-effect approach can result from fear of feeling deeper pain. The core challenge remains to deal with this pain, be it through digging up and digesting subconscious childhood pain, verbally guided imaginations, intelligent explanation, the help of bodyworkers, or personally digesting the pain that manifests itself in dreams or in the body.

woensdag 23 december 2015

Not Jesus but evolution created Christianity

Jezus did not create Christianity. Evolution did.

First, the human evolution arrived at a stage of agrarian technology in West Asia and elsewhere in Asia, while agriculture required a culture of discipline in order to preserve enough of the harvest to ensure consumption throughout the year and keep enough of the harvest as seeds for next season.

As this need of discipline developed faster than genetic evolution could keep up with, it had to come from the ouside, by violent policing guided by leaders. Cruel dictatorships followed due and mass wars raged on in Asia.

In reaction, quite some agrarian societies saw pacifist counter-movements arise that, as a matter of fact, brought foward some outspoken leaders. We now know of such movements and leaders mainly through scriptures. Siddhārtha Gautama, or simply the Buddha, in India was one of the recorded ones.

Buddha is supposed to have lived between 560 and 480 years before Jezus was born. Jezus himself had similar purposes and we know of him also because he has been recorded.

To rephrase, pacifists like Buddha and Jezus are products of the growing gap between technological and genetic evolution.

zaterdag 19 december 2015

Multi-force methodology to explain Nazism or capitalism

The rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany has been explained in many different ways, by pointing at many different forces. Perhaps the best way is not to get bogged down in trench wars about the unique importance of this or that force, but to acknowledge all forces that are put forward and see their unique combination in that part of the world at that particular moment in history.

Forces that combined in Germany of the 1930s include the militaristic orientation in Prussia, the authoritarian kinship system and the lack of tropical colonies that existed already, the traumas left after Germany’s defeat in WWI, as well as the political vacuum and the economic poverty that arose after WWI.

The same methodology of acknowledging all forces that are put forward and seeing their unique combination in time and place has been adopted in explaining the rise of capitalism in western Europe.

woensdag 16 december 2015

Jihadists Avant la Lettre

Are you curious how the recruitment and training of Muslim ‘Jihadists’ came about? Have a look at their model that has been developed since World War Two by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States of America, called the American Gestapo by President Truman back in 1963 already.



CIA ‘Jihadists’ arrested in Cuba, 1961

The Sigh of my Egyptian Shopkeeper

Each time this so friendly man
Always asking how I am

Peacefully bringing grandkids
From the school door to their house

Looks so shaky and aghast
Avoiding my searching eyes

Heaving a sigh of relief
When I hold his trembling hand

My Egyptian shopkeeper
Proud that his Dutch gets better

When a fellow believer
Derailed and took to murder

maandag 14 december 2015

The Other Paris Agreements

If promises are kept, the Paris Agreement is a nice step forward. 

But it can also run the risk of generating so much well-intended euforia or bad-intended distraction leading to ignoring mounting effects of global warming, depletion of ocean fish, depletion of groundwater stock, deforestation with disastrous local effects, increased meat production, and the local poisening of humans, cattle, water, soil and air. 

Those problems each deserve their Paris Agreements even more than CO2 emissions.

Americans expect social change by replacing leaders

The tragedy of American goverments is not that they keep thinking they can end organizations such as Al Qaida, the Taliban and a Somalian tribe, or change societies such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya by killing or replacing their leaders.

The tragedy of American 
goverments is that they have the power to do all that and still don’t learn that social systems have their own power and that this power is not changed by the removal of certain leaders.

Gadaffi, Former leader of Libya

zaterdag 12 december 2015


Vincent van Gogh wanted to escape from the gloomy, Dutch winter darkness and fled to sunny France to glorify and paint the light of the south that he so dearly craved for. He found that light and expressed it. 

But the northern darkness did not vanish from his soul, much as he wished for. He had denied for himself that this darkness was still there, while looking at the light and painting it.

Vincent's tragedy was not that he could not find the light but that he could not digest his darkness. Enjoying, glorifying and painting the sunny paradise of France was not enough to digest the pain of having had an imperfect mother during his childhood.

In the end the undigested darkness in his soul took hold of him again and caused his madness. He died at 37.

vrijdag 11 december 2015

To acquire inner peace

The search for inner peace starts with the realization that we miss it. We can do yoga and meditation, work hard, quarrel with partners and bosses, lay on the beach, walk in the mountains, give in to addictions, declare the violent jihad, invite people to love each other, fight injustice and many other things for thirty or fourty years and still not find inner peace. What is more, a lack of inner peace can very well be an extra motivation to do all those things while they do not automatically lead to the realization that we lack inner peace.

Only when we have learned what we miss, we can deal with it. The absence is what humans experience when having to leave the paradisiacal early fantasies of fetuses and infants. As aging infants we learn to see those fantasies as unrealistic and leave them behind.

But hardly any child has the conditions perfect enough to smoothly overcome those fantasies. Nearly everybody suffers damages during this transition. The more we subconsciously suppress such type of trauma, the harder we will find it to realize that type of pain and as yet learn to overcome the paradisiacal childhood fantasies we still carry deep inside our brain.

For many of us, feeling our trauma and digest it, as we could not fully do when we were children, is hard work, very hard work. Acquiring inner peace does not depend on thirty years of just meditation, amassing money or laying on the beach, but on successful trauma healing in whatever form.

woensdag 9 december 2015


Responsible policy makers avoid primary emotions and media hypes and question established behavioral patterns. For a proper allocation of resources they weigh the relative importance of needs in society. For that purpose they have to compare forces that some see as incomparable but, in fact, are not.

For apple-orange comparisons policy advisors have instruments to express needs or dangers in comparable ways. Such instruments include cost-benefit analysis, multi-criteria analysis, decision support systems, policy workshops, expert interviews and future scenario structuring. These instruments are not perfect but sophisticated enough to generate priorities and certain quantifications in terms of money or numbers of people and degrees of their being positively or negatively affected. On the basis of the results it is possible to reallocate more realistically the available resources to different interests or solutions of problems.

With the help of these instruments relative importance can be established of such widely different subjects as the risk of being territorially or culturally conquered by outsiders, saving lives by better prevention in health care, improved quality of life by introducing advanced school didactics, distribute work and free time equally in society, create more satisfying jobs for the employed, calculate future costs of global warming or enhance the efficiency of civil servants.

These exercises can also lead to, for instance, a redistribution of available resources so far allocated to different government ministries and departments or to energy generating facilities based on non-renewable and renewable resources.

Can we also compare deaths resulting from murder with other causes of death? Of course, there is a difference but there is also a similarity, just like other causes of death have a difference and a similarity with each other. There is a difference between people who die young and those who die old. There is a difference between slow onset and sudden death. There are differences between degrees or periods of suffering. And there are difference between bereaved such as poor and rich widows or between young and adult children. 

If we want to assess qualitative gaps between different types of death, using apple-orange instruments can be of help to specify and compare such differences.

Such exercises are also excellent ways to broaden the mind and train us in searching for balanced opinion making and behavioral adjustments. They help us to put things in perspective and combine things that we otherwise treat separately.

Of course, society will have its resistances. Outcomes of policy exercises are not always easily brought in line with differences in social power, interests and opinions, but at least create more clarity about such differences and can lead to more balance than trench war debates, confusion, inertia or over-excitement.

And especially, such exercises prove that apples and oranges are most certainly comparable. If, after learning about such exercises, the argument that apples and oranges are incomparable is still maintained, it is perhaps more the result of unhealthy emotions than of sound policy thinking.

Trump As Product

Leaders do not make societies. Societies make their leaders. Leaders are functions of their societies.

Therefore, Donald Trump is not changing America. Changing America is making Donald Trump.

zondag 6 december 2015

Meditation turns infant bliss into conscious bliss

Meditation is a deliberate attempt to turn our longing back to the bliss that we unconsciously knew as a fetus and infant into a merger of such bliss with our consciousness.

zaterdag 5 december 2015

Capitalism does nothing

Not capitalism but people exploit, cheat and oppress others, using ruthlessness, education, national governments, international manoeuvring and the like. Nearly everybody in the world benefits and suffers from those practices.

Religion does nothing

Not religion but people divide, control or delude others, using religions, ideologies, morality, social power and the like.

Cunning or naïve politicians

In their public presentations, politicians are either cunning or naïve. The choice is up to them.

How warfare shifts over the planet

Do you wonder why warfare goes on, while shifting from one region to another over the planet? 

Don’t follow mainstream media. Better have a look at what happens behind the screen, such as described by novelist Upton Sinclair already in the 1950s.

Notably Sinclair’s fictive book series Lanny Budd, traveling son of a wealthy arms producer and in close touch with both Nazi-leader Göring and US President Roosevelt, is revealing and still very valid.

vrijdag 4 december 2015

donderdag 26 november 2015


It is understandable that we have primary reactions to terrorist attacks in the form of fear, indignation, rage, despair, passivity or cynicism. But we should try to soon reinstall objectivity and balance in our reactions. Sound safety policy leaves emotions out, identifies in a balanced way the large dangers and applies the available resources according to the size of the dangers. Such regaining of perspective can also help us to overcome our primary reactions that remain understandable but are not realistic.

In a review of large dangers, terrorism does not score high. In the Netherlands on average less than one person yearly dies through terrorism. At the same time 750 people die in traffic accidents and 135,000 through illnesses. Objectively seen, traffic safety deserves 750 times more, and health care 135,000 times more resources than the fight against terrorism.

Worldwide, the number of deaths through terrorism has grown quite fast through outbreaks of large-scale violence in West Asia and now comes to 30,000 per year. At the same time about 300,000 people die annually because of global warming. Objectively seen, the reduction of climate gas emissions and support for climate victims deserves10 times more resources than the fight against terrorism. 

Because in the traffic 1.2 million people die every year, objective policy making applies forty time more resources to traffic safety than to the fight against terrorism. And when we look at the about 60 million people who die from diseases each year, the danger of terrorism is entirely dwarfed.



Het is begrijpelijk dat wij op terroristische aanslagen reageren met primaire emoties als heftige angst, woest agressie, wanhoop, passiviteit of cynisme. Maar het is zaak om daar telkens weer zo snel mogelijk overheen te komen. Een verstandig veiligheidsbeleid brengt evenwichtig in kaart wat de grote gevaren zijn en wendt naar gelang de omvang van die gevaren de beschikbare middelen aan. Zo’n relativering brengt niet alleen meer veiligheid maar helpt ook om afstand van misleidende emoties te nemen.

Bij een overzicht van grote gevaren komt terrorisme niet hoog op de prioriteitenlijst te staan. In Nederland vielen er sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog, afhankelijk van de definitie, ongeveer 35 doden door terroristische aanslagen. Er overlijdt dus gemiddeld per jaar minder dan een persoon door terrorisme. Tegelijk overlijden er elk jaar 750 mensen in het verkeer en een nog veel groter aantal, 135.000, door ziektes. Nuchter gezien verdient verkeersveiligheid dus 750 keer meer aandacht en ziektebestrijding 135.000 keer meer aandacht dan terreurbestrijding.

Wereldwijd is het aantal terreurdoden snel gestegen door conflicthaarden in West-Azië en komt nu uit op 30.000 per jaar. Tegelijk sterven er ongeveer 300.000 mensen per jaar door opwarming van de aarde. Nuchter gezien verdient het inperken van klimaatgasuitstoot en hulp aan klimaatslachtoffers dus tien keer meer aandacht dan terreurbestrijding. 

Omdat er in het verkeer ongeveer 1,2 miljoen mensen per jaar omkomen, leidt nuchter beleid tot veertig keer meer aandacht voor veiliger verkeer dan voor terreurbestrijding. En als je kijkt naar de ongeveer 60 miljoen mensen die jaarlijks door ziektes overlijden, valt het gevaar van terrorisme helemaal in het niet.

zaterdag 21 november 2015


France has, much more than other European societies, a history of terrorist attacks. The common explanation is that they maintain a neglected and rejected underclass that as a result becomes a hotbed of resentment and violence.  

The French police mainly reacts with spying and violence to the consequences of alienation. 

In the Netherlands we have neighborhood police who are peacefully and sensitively in touch with the local population and help reducing or precluding processes of alienation.

As the contact person for my immediate neighborhood, I am in close touch with neighborhood police officer Hans van Lent.


vrijdag 20 november 2015


Killings by terrorism arouse much more attention and emotions than, for instance, the much larger numbers of people killed by car drivers, bacteria and viruses. A combination of causes may be at work here.

Not many feel affected by abstractions. Therefore, large numbers of traffic incidents don’t evoke emotions like single incidents do.

Because traffic accidents happen so often, the media reduced paying attention to those daily killings on the road. They don’t see such killings as news anymore.

Most of the 1.2 million traffic deaths happen in the Third World, whereas western media focus on what happens in the west and reach audiences in the Third World.  Third World media reach much less western audiences and perhaps even focus less on traffic deaths.

It seems that the intentional killing by terrorists evokes widespread attention and emotion. Car drivers don’t kill on purpose and therefore evoke less attention and emotion. But criminals also kill on purpose and yet evoke less attention and emotion than terrorists do. Terrorists differ from car drivers and criminals in that they kill to install fear and uproot the societal system, the social balance, the status quo.

Especially Muslim terrorists are seen as foreigners attacking westerners, as ‘them’ attacking ‘us’, in order to install fear from the outside and uproot the societal system, the social balance, the status quo. Most killing by car drivers and criminals do not come from the outside.

But also within the west there are us-them divides that do not lead to extreme attention and emotions drawn by terrorists. One of the biggest gaps in the Amsterdam society is between bikers and car drivers. Bikers behave in anarchistic ways and cars kill bikers. They have a clear-cut us-them divide. In fact, many at both sides fear or hate the other side.
Neveertheless, hardly any traffic accident raises much attention and emotion by the media and the local government. But the general public are very much aware and concerned about the ongoing killing on the roads. This us-them divide between the general public on the one hand and media and government on the other is yet another one in the Netherlands that does not raise fierce attention and emotion. Therefore, us-them divides in themselves do not seem to be a convincing explanation of the widerspread and fierce attention paid to terrorists.

Some governments welcome external enemies in order to rally the population and keep their attention away from internal troubles. Terrorists provide excellent opportunities to rally the people. Some governments have perhaps even facilitated such opportunites. Research has uncovered examples of such manipulations.

Secret services welcome any fear for external enemies, hoping more breaches of privacy protection will legalized or secretly introduced. Reasons for mobilizing the population against an external enemy are highly welcomed and perhaps even created by the some secret services. Research has uncovered examples of such manipulations.

Army leaders welcome fear for external enemies, hoping next military action will be started. Reasons for mobilizing the population against an external enemy are highly welcomed and perhaps even created by the somke army leaders. Research has uncovered examples of such manipulations.

Arms producers welcome any fear for external enemies, hoping next war will come. Reasons for mobilizing the population against an external enemy are highly welcomed and perhaps even created by some arms producers. Research has uncovered examples of such manipulations.

As governments, secret services, army leaders and arms producers may see chances to benefit from Muslim terrorist attacks, they may tend facilitate widespread attention and emotions. Moreover, such attacks are easier to absorb by the public than abstract numbers and are therefore attractive for media that seek audiences. Western populations are even less interested in abstract numbers of road accidents in non-western societies. Many people get more aroused by intentional killing than by unintentional killing, while disregarding the numbers of casualties in themselves. The primary us-them instinct is especially strong when it comes to terrorists with a foreign background.

As common citizens we may notice that our insticts, media and governments create in us attention and emotions not corresponding to the distribution of real dangers, such as expressed in numbers of casualties. We may urge governments to apply resources according to the real distribution of such dangers.

donderdag 19 november 2015


See how Amsterdam municipality officials divide the public space, making pedestrians conglomerate on pavements that are narrow and full of horizontal and vertical obstacles, and offering space that is by far the widest and without obstacles to just a few cars that pass now and then.


Racism that is molded
In a strong tradition

Will all the more resist
Getting acknowledgment

But the broadminded Dutch
In wide majority

Claiming not be racism
In maintaining Black Pete

Are now having full chance
To prove broadmindedness

When they see that Black Peet
Has become the new Saint

woensdag 18 november 2015


While our politicians are up in arms, the police is all over and the news media can't stop talking about a terrorist threat, the Association for Traffic Victims will commemorate 570 people who were killed in the traffic last year.

This is apart from around 20,000 people injured in traffic accidents, out of which some will die later and others remain disabled for the rest of their lives.


NATO and Russia wanted to limit their military involvement in the Syria-Iraq area with the argument that you cannot escape from the violent complexity once you get involved there.

But now that ISIS has killed a small number of Russians and French, vastly smaller than the number of victims made by the Syrian government, the snake nest argument vanishes like frost in the dessert sun, and Russian and NATO governments preach yet another large-scale and old-fashioned military intervention in Asia.

These governments lose their wisdom because they are better at joining the overexposure of terrorist attacks and primary emotions of the population than keeping an eye at proportions and counting the numbers of victims.


dinsdag 17 november 2015


In the comparison between terrorist attacks and road accidents, the main difference is how victims die and the main similarity is that victims die.

The challenge is to avoid getting absorbed by one or the other reality, while acknowledging that two realities can exist next to each other. But as in more cases, we can fall in the trap of mutual exclusivity: either one reality is true or the other reality is true.

Perhaps this trap of mutual exclusivity has to do with the fear that creates the ‘us-them’ divide: "Them is what can turn dangerous any time, and us is what I can always trust." Such fear can make us blind for the bad things of us and the good things of them.

maandag 16 november 2015


It is illuminating to compare terrorism with dangerous roads and when we say we cannot make that comparison we misunderstand what is a comparison, lump together cause and effect and forget false government policies. 

A comparison has similarities and differences, and in this case the similarities relate to effects and the differences to both causes and effects. 


If it comes to a similarity, people killed by terrorists and people killed by cars are similar: they all died.

Next similarity is that people killed by terrorists and people killed by cars all deserve to be mourned, individually or collectively.


If it comes to differences, terrorists and cars are obviously not the same kind of killers.

Another difference is that if we give widespread attention to terrorists they will like that, whereas killing car drivers usually do not.

If it comes to make the world a safer place, the difference is that cars are way more dangerous than terrorists. So, not the fight against terrorists but the fight against car accidents needs our first attention and for a long time.

But unfortunality, yet another difference is that killing by terrorists makes many of us more nervous and indignant than killing by cars.

Difference number four is that governments use terrorist attacks to further breach privacy, employ more secret service officers, wage wars and give the arms industry more profits, instead of using car accidents as reasons to improve road traffic and save more than a million lives each year.


In the comparison between terrorist attacks and road accidents, the main difference is how you die and the main similarity is that you die.

The challenge is to not get absorbed by one or the other reality, but to acknowledge that two realities can exist next to each other. But as in more cases, emotions can make us fall in the trap of mutual exclusivity: either one reality is true or the other reality is true.

Perhaps this trap of mutual exclusivity has to do with the fear that creates the ‘us-them’ divide: "Them is what can turn dangerous any time, and us is what I can always trust."

Such fear can make us blind for the bad things of us and the good things of them.

donderdag 5 november 2015


Religion is not a concrete entity existing as a social unit on the ground or as a cloud up in the air. Religion is a word that we give the status of concreteness because we fall in the trap of reification, treating an abstraction as if it has a material existence. Some even fall in the trap of anthropomorphization, seeing religion as if it acts like a human being.

But religion is an emperor without clothes. Human beings are the really existing entities. It’s people who share their spiritual experiences with others in certain rituals and buildings and have installed certain codes of conduct.

Therefore, religions do not bring violence or peace. People do.

woensdag 4 november 2015


Religion is not an actor, not a force. It is a field where human action takes place, just like the fields of economics, politics, arts, sports, education or the media where human action takes place. At those fields, human action is organized by common patterns of internal, psychological processes and externally observable behavior.
For want of better terms, some call those two common patterns culture and behavior. If we adopt those terms, we can say that culture and behavior influence each other in individual people and in more or less recognizable systems.
Systems of cultural and behavioral interaction change over time, often or in the end with interaction between such systems as well. Then it may seem that, for instance, changing religious behaviors also create behavioral changes at other fields of society.
But behavioral patterns do not change behavioral patterns directly, they do that through culture. Culture remains to be the medium. Behaviors change culture, culture changes behaviors and so on.
Such systems of ongoing causation happen at any field in society, including at the field of religion. Just like at other fields, the field of religion has a system of culture and behavior.
Systems of culture and behavior can have internal patterns of ongoing causation but usually interact with other parts of the entire society.
To add, common patterns of behavior are not only shaped by culture, but also by contacts with neighboring societies, by genes and by such physical influences as the types of available food, the weather, the sun and the moon.
Another important caveat here is to notice that social life does not consist of closed systems. More less recognizable systems have gradual overlaps, openings and lose ends. And there is a vast variety of individual action. Finally, there are the individual, subjective outlooks and experiences.

zondag 1 november 2015


Peter van der Werff: WHISPER OF SYRIAN SURVIVORS: Those who survived the war Or torturous prison Will tremble for ever Those who overcome tremble Will gratefully whisper And b...


Peter van der Werff: SYRIAN FLOWERS IN AMSTERDAM: SYRIAN FLOWERS Three boys from Syria Walk around in the streets And distribute flowers Expressing gratitude For being receive...

donderdag 29 oktober 2015



Repressed childhood damages
Create the reconstruction
Of more damages later

But the more they're digested
The more immunization
Against later damages